• Connect to the filer via telnet, ssh or through the console.
• Enter the following commands
options autosupport.mailhost [your mail server MX record or IP address]
options autosupport.to support@example.com,name@yourcompany.com
(ex: person@company.com)
options autosupport.from (Add anything here; we like to use filername@domain.com)
options autosupport.enable on
options autosupport.support.enable off
• If your Data OnTap has the option, enter these commands
options autosupport.partner.to support@example.com
Kick Off Autosupport
• Connect to the filer via telnet, ssh or through the console.
• Enter the following commands when in 7 mode:
options autosupport.doit doit
Turn Off Autosupports to NetApp
• Connect to the filer via telnet, ssh or through the console.
• Enter the following commands:
options autosupport.support.enable off