VI Editor cheat sheet

vi mode commands

Command Action
k Move one line upwards
l Move one character to the right
h Move one character to the left
w Move one word to the right
W Move one word to the right past punctuation
b Move one word to the left
B Move one word to the left past punctuation
e Move to the end of the current word
1G Move to the beginning of the file
H Move to the top of the current screen
M Move to the middle of the current screen
L Move to the bottom of the current screen
Ctrl-G Move to the last line in the file
Ctrl-F Move one screen towards the end of the file
Ctrl-D Move 1/2 screen towards the end of the file
Ctrl-B Move one screen towards the beginning of the file
Ctrl-U Move 1/2 screen towards the beginning of the file
Ctrl-L Refresh the screen
5G Move to line 5 of the file (5 can be any line number)
/string Find text string forward
?string Find text string backward
n Find forward next string instance after a string search
N Find backward next string instance after a string search
ZZ Save the file exit vi
x Delete the character at the cursor
X Delete the character behind the cursor
dd Delete the line the cursor is on
10dd Delete the 10 lines following the cursor
yy Yank the current line
p Put the yanked line below the current line
P Put the yanked line above the current line

Command mode commands

Command Action
:g/X/s//x/g Global Search and replace (X=search object x=replace object)
:r file Import a file into the current file
:34 r file Import a file into the current file after line 34
:w Write out the file to save changes
:w file Write the file to named file
:wq Save the file exit vi
:w! Force save the file
:q! Quit vi but don’t save changes

Input mode commands

Command Action
a Insert characters to the right of the cursor
A Append characters to the current line
i Insert characters to the left of cursor
I Insert characters at the beginning of the current line
o Add a new line after current line
O Insert a new line above the current line

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